Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bloggedy Blog Blog Blog...

I started blogging about the awesome events that have taken place over the past couple of weeks since I blogged last. I quickly realized that you can't go weeks without blogging and expect to slide in a trip to Colorado and a head shaving without a little disclaimer. So here it goes...

I've been busy!!!!! I have been working hard to juggle work, kids, and LIFE because more than ever, I appreciate the value of a minute, an hour, a day... Yes, sometimes it leaves me tired and a little weary, but I've finally learned to take a nap when needed :) I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. I am so fortunate to have a company with management and coworkers that are supportive and truly amazing. I am beyond fortunate that most of those people are also part of my amazing group of friends that inspire me daily. And my family? I am so lucky. My sisters all live so far away, from Hawaii to NY to VT, but their spirit, each in their own way, is so deeply embedded in my heart. I love you all. My Dad has made the trip from NY twice in the past few weeks and he'll be here again this weekend. He is simply amazing (wait til you see the pics!). My stepmom has dyed her hair pink and has sacrificed having my dad around for me (You're welcome, Mary :) ) and constantly redefines Badass in my book. My Mom will be here from NY for almost the entire month of September...I can't wait!!!  She is quite simply explained...my Mom :) And my stepdad is left to his own devices while she's here for a few weeks...sorry Larry!! I'm not sure what that poor man will do without her. She's amazing :) See you next Tuesday, Mom!

Ok, enough with the gushy stuff...I didn't even get to my friends! You'll see them in the Leadville and BUZZ photos :)

I've been up late at night on steroids so there are a few new entries on the way :) One more quick disclaimer though...

I have been absolutely, positively, atrociously terrible at returning phone calls, messages, emails, texts... over the past few weeks. I know you all understand, but I want to make sure each and every one of you know that it is not in any way, shape or form a reflection of how important you are in my life. You are all amazing :)


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